Janina Zang

look around in my Gallery


Discover a selection of Orthodox icons that I painted for churches, commissioners and exhibitions, using the centuries old technique of egg tempera. Please, click on an icon of your choice to see a larger image.

The Advocata Nostra
The holy Mandylion
Christ with Saint Junia
Saint John the Forerunner
Saint Francis of Assisi
The holy Wladimir Mother of God
The holy Mandylion
The Visitation
Pentecost Icon
The famous "Staffelmadonna" (sculpture from around 1400) transformed into an icon for the sanctuary of the Catholic Church in Miltenberg, Germany
Christ washes away our tears
the Holy Trinity
Christ the Good Shepherd
Dormition of the Mother of God
Saint Juliana of Lazarevo
Wladimir Mother of God
Christ Pantocrator
Staurotheke-Icon: the Crucifixion of Christ, detail
Staurotheke-Icon: the Crucifixion of Christ
Staurotheke-Icon: the Crucifixion of Christ, detail
the Holy Mandylion
Christ with St. Menas
Christ Pantocrator
Christ Pantocrator
Saints Apostle Andrew the First-Called and Andrew Stratelates
Mandylion (with hallmarked halo)
Mandylion, detail
Russian Cross
Russian Cross, detail
Christ dries our tears
Saint Martin of Tours
Christ dries our tears
Saint Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles
Saint Simeon with the Christ-child
the Madonna of San Sisto
Saint Nicolas of Myra
Don Mother of God
the holy Apostle Andrew the first-called
the holy Archangel Michael (Rublev)
Sinai Christ Pantocrator
Christ in Glory
the crucifixion of Christ, Fresco
Saint Monica
Saint Tikhon of Moscow
Christ in Glory
Saint John the Forerunner
the Transfiguration of Christ
the Transfiguration of Christ, detail
the Chora Mother of God
Saint Mary of Egypt
the holy Archangel Michael (Rublev)
the holy Archangel Gabriel
Christ with the Abbot Menas
the holy Trinity (Rublev)