Icons for sale

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You would like to buy an icon painted by me or commission your favourite icon? Then you are welcome to contact me!

the Holy Face of Christ (Mandylion),
size: 24 x 32 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K,
price: 950 € (plus VAT)
Maria Advocata,
size: 15 x 20 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
price: 550 € (plus VAT)
Christ the Good Shepherd,
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K,
price: 1100 € (plus VAT)
cross I,
size: 12 x 12 cm,
medium: gilding on wood,
gilding: water gilding with fine ornaments, 23,5 K
price: 350 € (plus VAT)
the holy Archangel Michael (Rublev),
size: 35 x 50 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
sale: 1000 € (plus VAT)
the holy Evangelist Matthew,
size: 21 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
sale: 900 € (plus VAT)


Please, find examples of previous commissions and commissions in process below!

Christ Pantokrator,
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
private commissioner
Bishop Pontianus,
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
Christ Pantocrator,
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
private commissioner
Saint Francis of Assisi,
size: 35 x 50 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K,
private commissioner
The Visitation,
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
The famous "Staffelmadonna" (sculpture from around 1400) transformed into an icon for the sanctuary of the Catholic Church in Miltenberg, Germany,
size: 40 x 70 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K,
ecclesiastic commissioner: Catholic Church, Miltenberg, Germany
Christ washes away our tears,
size: 40 x 55 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
private commissioner
The Holy Trinity,
size: 30 x 40 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
private commissioner
Dormition of the Mother of God,
size: 30 x 40 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
Saint Juliana of Lazarevo,
size: 17,5 x 21 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
Wladimir Mother of God,
size: 34 x 44 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K
ecclesiastic commissioner: Chapel of the Catholic Community Loretto Home Base Wien, Austria
Christ Pantocrator,
size: 34 x 44 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K
ecclesiastic commissioner: Chapel of the Catholic Community Loretto Home Base Wien, Austria
Staurotheke-Icon: the Crucifixion of Christ, size: 35 x 45 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
the Holy Mandylion,
size: 30 x 40 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
Christ with St. Menas,
size: 25 x 25 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
Christ Pantocrator,
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding,
private commissioner
Saints Apostle Andrew the First-Called & Andrew Stratelates,
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding,
private commissioner
Russian Cross,
size: 50 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding,
private commissioner
Russian Cross, detail
Christ dries our tears,
size: 24 x 32 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
commissioned for the 'Room of Tranquility' at the LVR-Hospital, Essen
Saint Martin of Tours,
size: 25 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
commissioned by the Diocese of Würzburg for the mayor of Aschaffenburg
Christ dries our tears,
size: 30 x 40 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
Saint Nicolas of Myra,
size: 30 x 40 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
ecclisiastic commissioner: St Nicolas Church, Goldbach, Germany
the holy Mandylion,
size: 30 x 40 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K
private commissioner
Don Mother of God,
size: 20 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K,
private commissioner
the holy Apostle Andrew the first-called,
size: 15 x 20 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: oil gilding, 23,5 K,
private commissioner
Saint Monica,
size: 20 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
private commissioner
Saint Tikhon of Moscow,
size: 20 x 30 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
ecclesiastic commissioner: the Monastery of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, USA
the icon of Saint Tikhon of Moscow in the hands of its new rightful owners at the Monastery of St Tikhon of Zadonsk, USA
Christ Pantocrator,
size: 44 x 84 cm,
medium: egg tempera on wood,
gilding: water gilding, 23,5 K,
ecclesiastic commissioner: Church of Christkönig, Elsenfeld, Germany
Janina Zangs icon of Christ Pantocrator above the side altar at the Church of Christkönig, Elsenfeld, Germany